Nicotine booster for e-liquid, Booster for DIY or Shake N Vape | SMOK-IT Booster

The nicotine booster is a liquid with the maximum concentration of nicotine authorized in France, which is of 20mg / mL. It allows you to get the nicotine you want in your DIY preparation or your Shake N 'Vape liquid (often sold by 50ml). We advise you to choose a nicotine booster having the same PG / VG proportions as your DIY liquid or SNV even if it is not obligatory. It is often taken as a reference that a booster of 10ml can pass the rate of a flask of 50mL from 0 to 3mg / mL of nicotine. You can also use it to vary your nicotine levels throughout the day by mixing it directly into your atomizer.